The Real Coffee Tour and Oxcart Factory

coffee tour and sarchi

In the real Coffee Tour and Oxcart Factory you will see a coffee plantation at work, you will visit an ox-cart factory… Yes! But it is so much more than just that!

As you come out of the pier, your journey through Costa Rica starts by getting on the Panamerican Highway and witnessing some of the most beautiful landscapes of the Central American region. Costa Rica is a colorful place and you are taking the extra step to see these amazing colors by going through the mountains into the gentle towns and getting with all detail the stories of how this wonderful country came to be the way it is now.

Once at Espiritu Santo plantation and processing plant, coffee will be revealing its secrets… one by one… from the seed that originates the plant to your very cup… Flowers and machines combine in this journey where humans tamed the wild and made it possible for us to enjoy. At the end… -and with a smile-? coffee will forever, taste, smell, and feel different.

From the processing plant and the 630 acres that originate the magical beverage, you will be driven through a winding road passing by areas full of trees, plantations and well cared towns and getting into a zone where tradition and love for beauty has settled and make a living.

Sarchi is well known to be the costarrican settlement where the ox carts passed from a work vehicle to unique art pieces… And when we say unique… We mean unique! Like a finger print, these painters create the magic of the carts piece by piece, curl after curl, turning them into a memory you will always cherish… for the rest of your life because you will have the chance to see the artists at work with their love and passion, the joy of life and the following eternal smiles.

This is the place where you will enjoy a typical costarrican mountains lunch… Where vegetable flavors come with the intensity of this land of volcanoes and the joyful sweetness of the costarrican cooks is felt in every healthy bite you take.

After visiting Sarchi and relishing on the flavors of its land, and to really put the cherry over the whip cream, you will be visiting the town of Grecia… a placid village that has in its heart a most original neo-gothic church made totally in metal. The building is beautiful, to say the least, but its history is heroic for it was brought piece by piece by hundreds and hundreds of oxen through the very road you are using on your journey.

On the way back to the pier and after such a tour, you will be astonished at how your senses and emotions were shaken, and your hearts will smile from now on, when you hear the name of Costa Rica

What is included?

  • Luxurious Transportation
  • Bilingual Specialized Tour Guide
  • Mountains Coffee Tour
  • Delicious Typical Lunch
  • Ox Cart Factory and Shopping Areas

What to bring?

  • Comfortable Hiking Shoes
  • Light Sweater or Jacket 
  • Rain Poncho or similar
  • Some cash or credit cards can be useful
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